Getting The Most For Your Money
Watching your dollars melt into gas to fuel your summer fun? As gas prices continue to rise, Living the Dream Auto Care shares helpful tips for spending less time at the pump by getting the most gas mileage for your money:
Service your engine – Tuning your car’s engine and routinely changing the oil increases gas mileage. At Living the Dream Auto Care, we ensure your car is maintained according to your car’s specifications found in the owner's manual.
Change your spark plugs – Depending on the vehicle, spark plugs are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace. This quick service can easily be done during the same visit as a routine oil change.
Replace or clean serviceable fuel & air filters – Air filters prevent excessive dust and dirt from invading your engine, while a fuel filter removes particles from the fuel. Clogged filters reduce gas mileage by requiring the engine to work harder. Therefore, maintaining clean air and fuel filters is another way to improve your vehicle’s gas mileage.
Check tire pressure and alignment – When air pressure is low and/or tires are not aligned, a resistance exists while driving; thereby requiring more gas to move the vehicle. In addition to improving gas mileage by limiting fuel consumption, properly inflated and aligned tires increase your safety and extend the life of your tires. Remember, check tire pressure when the tires are cold. Tires heat up as the wheels rotate for extended periods of time and the internal pressure increases.
Use your A/C sparingly – Driving with open windows at lower speeds may cause some drag and reduce fuel efficiency, but not as much as using the A/C. Regardless of speed, using the vent when it’s cool outside or opening the windows just a few inches saves gas.
Park in the shade – Gasoline evaporates from the gas tank. This occurs faster when your vehicle is parked directly in the sun, winter or summer. Parking in the shade will keep it cooler inside your vehicle, requiring less A/C to cool it off. If shade is unavailable, park such that the actual gas tank under the car, not the valve to fill it, is facing away from the direct sun.
Save money while enjoying your summer – At Living the Dream Auto Care, we don’t just say we’re different from other shops – we prove it with every repair we do. Not only do we deeply care about your safety and the condition of your vehicle, we deliver a personal touch a dealer can’t deliver. We love what we do; we’re great at what we do; and we can’t wait to prove it to you.
Visit one of our two great locations in Canton and Mansfield, and see what it’s like to live the dream!
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